
Online Ordering For All My Books

Helping a Neighbor

#1 - The Good Samaritan

The Biblical story of The Good Samaritan comes to life in this contemporary adaptation when Kay and Ray help a neighbor after others had simply walked by leaving a man on the ground. Older brother, Ray, teaches Kay the importance of helping someone in need whenever we can. Together they comfort the man until the police and ambulance arrive. Purchase your copy today and show your child how we can all help someone.

Hardback: 978-1-7326571-0-6; Paperback: 978-1-7326571-1-3

Finding a Friend

#2 - The Lost Sheep

Kay’s excitement for the Fall Harvest Carnival soon disappears when her best friend, Tommy, goes missing during the hayride. Where could he have gone? Big brother, Ray, helps Kay locate Tommy and shows her how each child is precious to their parents no matter how many children they have. Purchase this contemporary adaptation of the Bible story, The Lost Sheep, for your special little one today.

Hardback: 978-1-7326571-3-7; Paperback: 978-1-7326571-4-4

Listening to Mom

#3 - Jonah and The Whale

It’s much more fun to play at your best friend’s house than do the chores mom asks you to do…at least that’s what Kay thinks. Just as Jonah needed several chances to listen to God, Kay learns the hard way to listen the first time. Begin an important discussion with your child by purchasing Listening to Mom today.

Hardback: 978-1-7326571-6-8; Paperback: 978-1-7326571-7-5

Helping a Neighbor

(Dual Language Version)

Enjoy the first Kay & Ray book, Helping a Neighbor, in a dual language version with English and Spanish.

Hardback: 978-1-7326571-8-2; Paperback: 978-1-7326571-9-9

Telling a Secret

#4 - Samson & Delilah

You are not supposed to tell someone’s secret, especially your best friend’s secret. But Kay wants to be included with the popular girls on the playground. Will she tell Tommy’s secret, and will he forgive her if she tells? Find out how this story parallels the Bible story of Samson and Delilah. Buy your copy today.

Hardback: 978-1-7357552-0-5  Paperback: 978-1-7357552-1-2

Stopping a Bully

# 5 - Queen Esther


Stopping a Bully parallels the principles in the story of Queen Esther from the Bible with Kay standing up to discrimination in her book club. Kay shows bravery and integrity like Queen Esther did when standing up against Haman. Purchase your copy today.

Hardback: 978-1-7357552-2-9  Paperback: 978-1-7357552-3-6

This original title is being replaced with the book, Helping a Neighbor, listed above.